I dream of being a pilot


I dream of being a pilot


The profession of the future is what concerns the mind the most since childhood, as every person dreams from his childhood of what he will be in the future, and what profession he will do, and he always imagines himself practicing it.  It must be transferred to their own world, whether the material world that brings them income and a decent life, or the social world that guarantees them a prominent social position among people, so everyone dreams that the future profession will be an excellent profession with a good reputation, and generates a great income, or to be distinguished and unique.  of its kind, and is known for its global standing.
 The future profession for people is determined by the many circumstances they go through in their lives. Some choose the future profession as a result of a situation they went through in their life, as if they had been exposed to a health problem and the doctor saved him from it, so he became interested in the profession of medicine, or the policeman helped him in something  He becomes interested in the profession of a policeman, and other social conditions that affect the desires and choices of the individual. Some choose the future profession according to the profession of one of his parents, such as if his father is a teacher or a university teacher, and he wants to become just like him and practice the same profession.
 At the present time, choosing the future profession has become a luxury that many dream of, especially in light of the deteriorating economic and political conditions.  Some professions are stagnant, while there is a shortage in others, so working in the same profession that a person dreamed of in his 
childhood is one of the wonderful things that many people do not get.

I dream of being a pilot


There are many more exciting professions that many people dream of, and among these professions is the profession of a pilot. It is a fun profession when flying in the sky, knowing that it requires a lot of focus, skill and love of leadership.  From one country to another, he sees from over the seas, oceans and rivers how interesting and interesting a profession it is.


 The profession of a pilot is one of the beautiful professions because of its interesting details, and there is no boredom or routine, and this is because it is full of interesting and beautiful adventures that anyone should experience, and to enjoy the attractive atmosphere of observing the clouds, and the pleasure of flying over it. The profession of a pilot is a golden opportunity to see  Things that no one can see without a pilot, and he also enjoys looking at the earth from a very far distance. The things on the ground find them completely differently, and this is enough to feel comfortable and contemplate and contemplate the universe and its beauty.

 The profession of a pilot provides you with patience and peace of mind, and dealing with emergency situations quickly, but do not forget that it is a great responsibility because he carries his soul on his hand, and he carries many souls on his plane every time he travels and takes to the air.

 Pilot Profession Features:


 * A sense of pride, a sense of satisfaction and self-confidence because you will be responsible for the flight and responsible for the people on the plane. It is a job that makes you excited and proud. One of the characteristics of the pilot is the permanent smile that draws on his face while going to work. Wearing your job suit is enough to brag about yourself in front of everyone.

 * Seeing wonderful and attractive destinations, if you have known throughout your life to travel and move from one country to another, this profession will fulfill your dream, in addition to giving it the opportunity to see other cultures directly, explore distant lands and see the landscapes of the caliphate and countries with charming nature.

 * Pilots have a flexible schedule, meaning pilots, did you know that airline pilots usually have 2 weeks off, while 2 to 3 weeks may involve being away from home and just a few breaks, many people like this schedule to work,  It offers you free time to hang out with your family around the clock when you are at home, take up complex hobbies or run a small business on the side.

 * The possibility of multiple housing options, in the event that you are renting from an airline in Denver - CO, you should not live there, as your accommodation can be in the place you want in the country, as long as it is near the airline that hires you,  For the record, you will be spending a lot of time in your main airport, so your home should not be anywhere near your job.

 * The profession of a pilot and a long-term profession, it is a comfortable job, and when you obtain a pilot’s license, you do not move from one job to another and lose the aspect of interest in your work, you should know that the profession of aviation will continue with you throughout your life and you will see new beautiful things in that job, and if you reach the age of  Contracting You can choose to continue flying as long as you are in good physical and mental fitness.

The salary that the Saudi pilot receives

it is determined according to many basics that must be well studied and mastered, and then the value of the salary will be available, as follows:


 The salary of a pilot increases with experience, and is determined by the hour.

  The salary of a Saudi pilot ranges between 19,468 SAR and up to 29,591 SAR.

 One of the highest paid aviation professions is the profession of a captain. Few people work for it, and he depends on working for an international airline. A modern pilot must fly 75 hours every month, and he is paid a travel allowance, and the hourly salary is approximately between $40 and $70, according to  The place and the experience.

 The co-pilot’s salary is in the range of $ 7000, and this is for those who have been hired soon, and the value of the hourly salary depends on the pilot’s experience and the type of aircraft, as well as on Saudi Airlines. As for the salary of pilots in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is approximately 19,468.80 Saudi riyals, and the profession of the captain is her salary in  The watch is $300 or more.


2022. [image] Available at: <https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.93572424c182ea4e48e8c34ae5fdc953?rik=MuuPwC%2fxvfg%2bBA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0> [Accessed 6 April 2022].

n.d. [image] Available at: <https://i1.wp.com/dutchpilotgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Gifts-for-pilots-1-e1577044411831.jpg?resize=966%2C1024&ssl=1> [Accessed 6 April 2022].


